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The 2021 - 2022 Board

The Junior Service League of Victoria was formed in 1937 because of a need for effective community service leaders. The focus of the association of young women was child welfare and providing volunteer service for the betterment of the community’s children.


During its early years, the League subsidized and furnished volunteer assistance for the Victoria County Child Welfare Program. During World War II, the League concentrated on benefiting the war efforts. After the war, the League was once again able to focus on the needs of the community’s children. In the years that followed, the organization was instrumental in establishing, funding, and providing volunteer service for numerous projects which served the medical, educational, and emotional needs of children. 


The Junior Service League affiliated in 1983 with the national organization of the Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI).  We are now the Junior League of Victoria, Texas, Inc (JLV) and currently headquarter in the historic O'Connor-Proctor Building in downtown Victoria.


Numerous community organizations benefit from both financial contributions and volunteer assistance provided by the League. In order to provide funding for our numerous undertakings, the League has hosted a variety of creative fundraising events over the years. Most notable is the Charity Ball, which has been an annual event since 1960. 


The Junior League of Victoria follows the lead of AJLI and believes in order to remain relevant in this dynamic world we live in, the League will need to continue to transform. We strive to be more in tune to our members’ desires, to increase our presence in the community and to focus our volunteer efforts.


Our issued-based community impact provides mentoring to at-risk youth in our area. We offer that mentoring through Project Esperanza and the Women Leaders of Tomorrow Conference. In 2016, The League brought back Done in a Day projects, which allows our members to easily participate in community projects even with their busy schedules.


As we continue rolling through future decades, it is believed that the Junior League of Victoria will continue to transform, and most importantly, positively impact our community, promote volunteerism and develop the potential of women.

Board of Directors

The Junior League of Victoria's leadership includes an Executive Committee and Committee Chairs.

Executive Committee

  • President - Lisa Kainer

  • President-Elect - Melanie Green

  • Community Vice President - Brittany Rodriguez  

  • Recording Secretary - Kim Garcia

  • Treasurer - Jhiela Poynter

 Committee Chairs

  • Headquarters - Allie McGehee
  • Membership Development - Allison Fries
  • Nominating/Placement - Sara Potts
  • PR Chair - Caitlin Fitzgerald

© 2022 by The Junior League of Victoria, Texas Inc.

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